
Børsen Bæredygtig highlights Arbejdernes Landsbank’s use of artificial intelligence

Børsen Bæredygtig highlights Arbejdernes Landsbank’s use of artificial intelligence.

Børsen Bæredygtig, the sustainability section of Danish business daily Børsen, presents for the first time in the section’s history the Børsen Bæredygtig Cases, which feature 50 good, innovative, and green projects in the Danish business community. Arbejdernes Landsbank’s use of Ento Lab’s artificial intelligence for energy optimisation is one of them.

Børsen Bæredygtig has selected cases based on the EU’s sustainability taxonomy. The advisory board has emphasised that a project must have a measurable effect (17% saving in electricity consumption), has to be scalable (no use of new hardware), must be innovative (working with artificial intelligence), have a positive effect on the outside world (125 tonnes of annual CO2 reductions due to lower energy consumption), and be business-critical (the collaboration is highlighted in Arbejdernes Landsbank’s CSR report).

Artificial intelligence reduces electricity consumption at Arbejdernes Landsbank

The case features in the category “Counteracting climate change”. Here, Arbejdernes Landsbank, the sixth largest bank in Denmark, is highlighted in connection with their energy savings, where the use of Ento Labs’ artificial intelligence has meant that the bank in the past year has reduced the total electricity consumption for the entire building portfolio of 70 commercial buildings by more than 17.3%.

At Ento Labs, we are very proud of the results at Arbejdernes Landsbank, and the fact that they are one of the selected companies in Børsen Bæredygtig Cases 2022. It has been inspiring to work with the bank’s facility and energy managers and see how they started by reducing energy waste and later optimised their buildings with more traditional energy efficiency measures that further reduced electricity consumption.

“Arbejdernes Landsbank has reduced energy consumption step by step across  their 70 branches. It is very inspiring to be part of their journey towards sustainable building management.”

Malte Frederiksen
CCO, Ento

Read the case about Arbejdernes Landsbank here:
English (courtesy of Google translate):

Get inspired by the other featured cases here:

If you want to see how artificial intelligence can reduce your buildings’ consumption? Contact us!