Our mission is to reduce energy consumption globally

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), energy use in buildings accounts for about 28% of global CO2 emissions. By 2030, this percentage should be significantly reduced and by 2050, CO2 emissions should be close to zero. This is only possible if we significantly increase the speed and scale of the transition. In buildings, there are a number of areas where we need to take action to reach our ambitious targets. The problem is that it is often expensive and time-consuming to find out what the best and most effective measures are. If we are to succeed in the green transformation, it is therefore essential that we have new, data-driven tools that can help building owners and operators understand which solutions are most effective across buildings, support the complex optimization process, and ultimately verify that the actions are having the expected impact.

our approach

We believe computers are better at analysing data than humans

At the heart of our solution is a set of advanced algorithms that attempt to “understand” the energy consumption of a building. Energy data is collated and enriched with weather data and other information about the building before being analysed for the most effective energy optimisation measures.

The measures are automatically prioritised by the system and presented to the building owner or operator so that they can take action where the potential is greatest. After implementation, the virtual advisor monitors consumption to document actual savings, which can also be used further in the organisation. For example, this information can support the work of sustainability managers and in some cases be an important part of a company’s CSR reporting on sustainability and climate impact.

Our virtual energy advisor focuses largely on the easiest and most efficient solutions first, but can help throughout the journey towards zero-emission buildings. We are convinced that in a few years’ time, very few energy optimisation measures will take place without the assistance of a virtual energy advisor!


Meet the founders

Henrik Brink

Chief Executive Officer

Former machine learning specialist at UC Berkeley. Co-founder and lead machine learning engineer at Wise.io, acquired by General Electric to optimise industrial processes with machine learning.

Kasper Bjørn Nielsen

Chief Technology Officer

Experienced software, devops and machine learning developer. Previously at Wise.io, General Electric, and Siemens Gamesa. Has built data infrastructure and machine learning applications that have helped companies with optimisation at scale.

Malte Frederiksen

Chief Commercial Officer

Former business development consultant at Innovation Center Denmark in Silicon Valley, where he helped a number of major Danish energy companies with digitalisation and innovation.


Start reducing energy


Accelerate your energy optimisation efforts with Artificial Intelligence

Software that empowers energy professionals to make a difference. Start executing on your energy strategy just by sourcing your existing utility data.

Bring hyper advanced analytics to your building portfolio. Leverage our artificial intelligence and integrations with millions of data points without installing new hardware.


Get to know us

We’re a team of pros

We’re all on the team because we’re world class at what we do. We strive to stay on top of our game while driving towards shared company goals.

We’re pragmatic

Our job is to solve problems, not reinvent the wheel or jump on the latest, most hyped technology. It’s much easier to explore unknown waters on a ship that has been proven to work.

We explore and challenge

If we don’t experiment and challenge the status quo, we can’t change the world fast enough to succeed in our mission. We share and learn from your results, regardless of the outcome, to keep evolving.

We’re driven by impact

When in doubt, go for the largest potential impact!

We value work/life fit

Your personal well-being is key. Make your work and personal life fit – to enjoy both more. We want Ento to be popular with your family and friends too.

We assume good intent

We trust everyone to take responsibility for their contributions and reach out if they need help, and we always assume that our coworkers’ intentions are good.

We’re biased towards action

We embrace change and are willing to take calculated risks with the information available. We fail fast to find the best solutions as soon as possible.


We are here to help


We help the most climate ambitious organisations to do even better


What our customers say about Ento.

It’s cool that the analysis work and data processing now takes up so little time, that we can use our resources in the buildings. Now the time is spent on what creates value.

Thøger Niels Pørtner
Project Manager Team Fælles Ejendomscenter, Holstebro Municipality

Through our strategic partnership with Ento, we can automatically identify and document energy savings in our branches and buildings. This has resulted in an incredible result oriented tool that helps to create change rather than just reporting on consumption.

Martin Højgrav-Huus
Sustainable Design Engineer, Arbejdernes Landsbank

We are working on all fronts to lower our energy consumption, but combating energy waste through Ento’s solution is an easy way to achieve energy savings immediately – and the results speak for themselves!

Martin Kortegaard
Energy Manager, Salling Group