Document energy savings according to international protocols


Advanced calculations. Simple to use.

Leverage AI to follow IPMVP

Calculating energy savings following the International Performance and Verification Protocol requires lots of data and detailed analysis. Leverage advanced technology to make sure each energy saving is documented correctly and according to protocol. Automatically.

Advanced insights on each project

Understand how each savings project is performing. See the savings-to-date, expected annual savings and uncertainty of the estimation.

Report your total savings

Combined savings across all energy types and all buildings. One place to see and document savings across large building portfolios.

Track projects in real time

IPMVP allows real-time tracking of measuring energy savings. For professionals, this means real time overview to ensure projects are on track and paying off.

Use IPMVP in collaboration with hardware providers

Make sure your investments are paying off. By using an internationally acclaimed standard you can de-risk energy efficiency investments in your building portfolio.

Share your successes with the world

Energy savings should be celebrated. After all, they greatly benefit the bottom line and the climate, so we’ve made it easy to share each documented energy saving internally as well as externally.


Start reducing energy


What our customers say about Ento

It’s cool that the analysis work and data processing now takes up so little time, that we can use our resources in the buildings. Now the time is spent on what creates value.

Thøger Niels Pørtner
Project Manager Team Fælles Ejendomscenter, Holstebro Municipality

Through our strategic partnership with Ento, we can automatically identify and document energy savings in our branches and buildings. This has resulted in an incredible result oriented tool that helps to create change rather than just reporting on consumption.

Martin Højgrav-Huus
Sustainable Design Engineer, Arbejdernes Landsbank

We are working on all fronts to lower our energy consumption, but combating energy waste through Ento’s solution is an easy way to achieve energy savings immediately – and the results speak for themselves!

Martin Kortegaard
Energy Manager, Salling Group

Still got questions?

We have A LOT of data, and not just energy consumption data. Is it useful?

Yes. In fact, for applications within the manufacturing industry we often require other data sources than those publicly available. Occupant data from inside buildings may also be a great indicator of actual usage – but it’s not required and may also be available without installing new sensors.

Artifical Intelligence

Do I need an Energy Management System (EMS) to use your AI?

No. In cases where there is not already an EMS, we collect data directly from your utilities. Often, Ento is used as the primary EMS, as many organizations don’t want two systems that both collect energy data.
If you’ve already invested heavily in a EMS with lots of sub-metering and data infrastructure, we can leverage that work and integrate directly with that.

Artifical Intelligence

Does using Ento require lots of structured data?

Yes – and no. Utility data is already very structured and accessible – after all, it determines your monthly bill!
In order to use our services, all we need is to access the consumption data. Data about your buildings, opening hours, weather data etc. is already integrated on the platform. No manual input is required, which is why we can create value within hours of sourcing your energy data.

Artifical Intelligence

How much does it cost?

Our services are billed on an annual basis depending on the number and types of buildings you have in your portfolio. In contrast to traditional approaches, we don’t charge an upfront or integration fee.

We will happily import your data and show you the expected value, and even let you try our platform on your buildings, before you have to make the decision.


Can I still use my trusted energy manager?

Yes! Several energy professionals use our platform. Our solution is designed to combine the strengths of computers with the experience and skills of human experts.
The goal is to take away the tedious task of looking at thousands of data points every hour and allow them to focus on the important aspects of their work – to reduce your energy and carbon footprint.


How are you different from an Energy Management System (EMS)?

The purpose of an energy management system (EMS) is to collect and visualise raw data from meters installed in buildings. Many EMS users have to spend a lot of time looking at the data or manually configuring alarms to figure out when something is not performing well.

Our solution uses existing consumption data, which could be collected in an existing EMS or come directly from your utility or meters. We help building owners find and prioritise buildings that can be optimised with a positive return on investment.
